
REIKI: what, why, who?

Maybe you’ve heard the word Reiki but aren’t sure what it means.  Or you’ve read about Reiki being used in hospital and health care settings as an alternative therapy.  Perhaps you’ve wanted to learn more about Reiki, or even give it a try.  Here’s what you need to know. Reiki is a gentle form of […]

Sports Massage: Not Just for Athletes Anymore

When you hear the term Sports Massage, if you think it doesn’t apply to you because you’re not a professional athlete; think again. Sports Massage is a style of massage where the Massage Therapist works to either enhance your performance in your chosen activity, or helps you recover from your activity. Your activity could be […]

Neck & Shoulders Sore? Upper body achy?

Those days when you find yourself stuck behind a desk for too many hours, on a long drive in the car or doing too much forward bending work that leaves your neck and shoulders achy; try this quick remedy for chronic neck & shoulder postural strain.   The yoga pose commonly called “Chest Opener” is […]