
Those days when you find yourself stuck behind a desk for too many hours, on a long drive in the car or doing too much forward bending work that leaves your neck and shoulders achy; try this quick remedy for chronic neck & shoulder postural strain.


The yoga pose commonly called “Chest Opener” is a great way to relieve the strain and stress of poor upper body posture. If you spend all day in front of a computer, driving, sitting at a desk; the chances are high that at times you end up with tension, soreness, even pain, in your neck, shoulders and upper back. The Chest Opener is a quick and easy way to undo much of that stress in the upper body.


This Chest Opener pose stretches out the pecs and the deltoids, opens up the upper intercostals and tones the rhomboids; all of which are essential muscular positions for maintaining good posture.

For best results, do this stretch 3-4 times per day; it works especially well at the end of the day and at the end of any long stretches of work in front of the computer or steering wheel.

Simply adding a bit more stretching and a few more deep breaths into your daily life can make all the difference between feeling hunched over, stressed and achy; or feeling spacious, vibrant and healthy!ybe e

Suzanne Andrew, Owner & LMT at Island Massage Therapy and Try Thai Yoga Massage.  Practicing energywork and bodywork since 1999, Suzanne is a Thai Yoga Massage Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Therapist and Licensed Massage Therapist in Florida. (MA51338,  MM31363) www.myislandmassage.com, www.TryThaiYogaMassage.com

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